Региональный ежемесячный журнал Транспорт Юга
05 мая 2024
Книги автотранспортной тематики

Audio CD. Speak Italian With Confidence: Teach Yourself

Название: Audio CD. Speak Italian With Confidence: Teach Yourself
“Speak Italian with Confidence” серии “Teach Yourself” - быстрый и конструктивный аудиокурс для начинающих изучение итальянского языка самостоятельно или в группах с преподавателем. We’ve all travelled abroad with the best of intentions when it comes to speaking the language, only to falter when it comes to the crunch. This quick and constructive course gives you the Italian you need to talk to the locals – and crucially, the confidence to put it into practice. As well as providing essential vocabulary and phrases, the course also aims to improve your understanding of spoken Italian, so that you can feel sure of yourself in two-way conversations. Based on the ten situations you are most likely to find yourself in while travelling abroad, the course builds your knowledge and understanding gradually, and is suitable for complete beginners. A booklet is included, with the dialogues and their English translations. A glossary of the words and phrases used also provides you with a handy phrasebook while you travel. By the end of this course, you will be at Level A2 of the Common European Framework for Languages: Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions. Can communicate in simple and routine tasks.
Цена: нет в продаже

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