Региональный ежемесячный журнал Транспорт Юга
05 февраля 2025
Книги автотранспортной тематики

Sambo: Sciense of Winning. Theoretical and Methodical Basis of Fighters Training: a Study Guide

Название: Sambo: Sciense of Winning. Theoretical and Methodical Basis of Fighters Training: a Study Guide
This guide provides a general theoretical and methodical basis of Sambo fighters' training. It presents materials concerning the history of Sambo development in Russia and abroad. It lists modern approaches to technical, tactical, physical and mental training of Sambo fighters, and describes practical techniques. Organizational peculiarities of the learning-and-training process and competitive activity of Sambo fighters are given in detail. Basic directions of combat Sambo sport-and-applied training are presented. The guide has been developed for students and teachers of institutes of physical higher and secondary education, instructors, Sambo sportspeople.
Цена: нет в продаже
Автор: Шестаков Василий Борисович
Издательство: ОЛМА Медиа Групп
Серия: Жизнь и здоровье
Год: 2015
ISBN: 978-5-373-00182-3
Томов: 1
Обложка: твердый переплет
Страниц: 224

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