Региональный ежемесячный журнал Транспорт Юга
05 февраля 2025
Книги автотранспортной тематики

CD-ROM. Teacher Development Interactive. Speaking, Student Access Card

Название: CD-ROM. Teacher Development Interactive. Speaking, Student Access Card
Speaking Module: Hosted by Allen Ascher Teacher Development Interactive is a video-based, online teacher development program that gives new teachers and teachers looking for a refresher a really strong foundation in teaching methodology. If you are a new teacher, or a teacher looking for a refresher, Teacher Development Interactive is perfect for you. With Teacher Development Interactive you will learn with the very best instructors. Each online module focuses on a different teaching skill and is taught by a leading expert in that particular field. You can choose to work on a specific skill such as how to teach reading or how to teach writing. Because Teacher Development Interactive is online, you can complete each module in your own time, at your own pace from anywhere you have access to the internet. For more information, go to the Teacher Development Interactive website. When you complete any four modules of Teacher Development Interactive with a score of 75% or better on the final test for each module, you receive a Certificate of Completion English from the Language Teaching Institute at Hunter College, City University of New York. Hunter College is the largest college in the City University of New York (CUNY) system. Founded in 1870, Hunter is also one of the oldest, most widely recognized public colleges in the USA. Currently, 21,000 students attend the College, pursuing both undergraduate and graduate degrees in more than 170 different programs of study.
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