Niveles A1, A2, B1; B2 del Marco Comun Europeo de Referencia. Cada volumen trabaja las cuestiones de gramatica; vocabulario correspondientes al nivel. Explicaciones con un lenguaje clarclaro; sencillo graduado al nivel de dificultad. Lexico agrupado en campos semanticos. Trabajo para el aula o para autoaprendizaje. Contiene tablas de verbos regulares e irregulares. Aprendo espanol con cuentos contains a series of six versions of traditional Spanish and Latin American stories, aimed at and adapted for primary school children who are learning Spanish either as part of their school curriculum or by means of language clubs or other extra-curricular activities. The stories are the following: - El gallo Quirico - La ratita presumida - Garbancito - Juan sin miedo - El ladron burlado - El dios de las tormentas This CD is an essential component to help the student improve his oral abilities with fun. The collection Aprendo espanol con cuentos, to which this CD belongs, allows the student to approach the Spanish language with fun and to use figures from his own fantasy.